Tuesday, April 14

The National Tea Party

This is important to those who want to stand up for our country. Please check out this website http://www.the912project.com/ and find out when and where your Tea Party will be held tomorrow. "We the people" need to let our voices be heard. Stand up for your rights as Americans...
Another website is www.teapartyday.com
God Bless Our Great Nation,


Rachel said...

My family is definately going to ours! Your pups are sooo beautiful... love em!

Mel said...

Hello Rachel,
Welcome to Nickers & Neighs, all those cute puppies have been placed with great people. Wellll,all but one, I couldn't let all my pups go after all we'd been through.

So thrilled, to know you are standing tall in your towns Tea Party Day. We have a group of about 20 participating tomorrow.

Blessings, Mel

Tammy ~ Country Girl at Home ~ said...

We didn't have one close by and I would have definitely gone! I 100% support them!


Eggs In My Pocket said...

There was a tea party in the neighboring town. A friend of mine went and there was a good bunch of folks who showed up. blessings,Kathleen

Old Centennial Farmhouse said...

I attended our tea party in the state capitol and there were from 4-5,000 people there, and it felt wonderful to be with so many that were like minded. And for every one of the people who could attend, there were probably hundreds who couldn't, but would if it were a weekend. I wish they would have another on before July 4th and have it on a weekend.

I have a blog for women who could not go, but would still like to send a message to Washington.

and would love it if you'd add your voice to ours! (I just found your blog and I love it!)

Paula said...

Wow- sounds wonderful!
Hope you're doing well, my friend!