I'm so sorry I haven't sent updates on the chicken coop and fence. This computer is playing tricks on me. I plugged my memory card into the printer, as I was supposed to do, Adobe came up did it's little download business, I'd just assumed the photos were going into our picture folder within Adobe. Last night, I had a little time to spare so decided to investigate. I found my long lost pictures in picasa; being the computer xpert that Iam, I cannot figure out how to place the ones I want on my posts. I'd forgotten a few things about blogging, due to my obligations here on the farm. Summers are reeeally bizzy with feeding all the critters, cleaning stalls, fly spraying the horses, etc etc.
Today was a day of cleaning out buckets, and the water trough, stripping all the stalls, (so they can air dry) mowing the tall weeds under the electric fence, then came some relief, a nice cool shower. The humidity in NNY is up today, so it feels like it's 100 degrees F out there.
I'm glad all that is done!
I'm off to see if I can figure out the picture dilemma, talk to you all soon.
Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I read your comment about my post on Picasa. If you upload your pictures to Picasa's web albums you will then have the option to link to any picture when viewing it. The "link" button is on the right hand side and you can choose how large you want your picture displayed and then you just copy and paste the html into your blog or wherever. Hope this helps!
Summer does seem to keep us busier, doesn't it? I love the peeps and oh, the bunnies are delightful and remind me of when my own kids were little. Hope you are getting some rest during these hectic times. Iknow ours is hit and miss!
eally, Thanks so much for your speedy reply. I've got a few minutes so going to see about the web album. Check back soon for a sneak peek of the animals.
Yes, hit or miss here as well. I love your dachshund, we have one also, well it belongs to our youngest daughter. She is a cute little thing (miniture) and very loyal to our daughter. I'll have to send you a few pictures.
I can't wait to see new pictures! But I understand about the computer... it is so frustrating at times...
Sounds like you've been busy anyway!
Mel, what do you spray your horses and barn with to get rid of flies?
(my e-mail is on my blog.)
Hey, I can't wait to see the new pictures of what you guys have completed so far. I bet those chicks have grown a lot since the last pictures. Call me anytime you have a free moment. Love Ya :)
Popping in to say hello...I hope you get your picture dilemma fixed soon....
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