There they are all 24 of them (2 different groups) they are growing in leaps and bounds.... They seem to be eating "well" 3 -5 smaller coffee cans of food a day. I'd say to anyone not familiar with raising chickens start out with 5-10 peeps, cause this is a lot of work.

Not used to having 24 chickens at my feet at one time, sometimes I feel a little out numbered. The Delawares (which appear in the white color) seem to be brave and will come over and start pecking at your pant legs or shoes. We will from time-to-time, feed them from the palms of our hands, these guys can be aggressive and will actually grab skin. For the most part they are all flighty when approached for handling so letting them roam the grounds is not an option at this time. Things will definately be a litte easier when they can leave the shed!
This is a picture of what will soon be the brooder boxes. What needs to be done is sides put in between each and a top over them. We're figuring the chickens are only a few months old right now so we have a little over a month before they will even begin to lay eggs. The chicken coop is wired for electric and already has outlets, but we need to dig a trench from the main barn out to the shed for the power source.
Now, all we are lacking is The Chicken Whisperer!
Just loved your chicken pictures! I had to laugh about the chicken whisperer. Just today on the news,...they now have.. a shark whisperer! Can you imagine? Have a great weekend, blessings, Kathleen
OH MY GOSH talk about adorable! And they are getting so big. Have you made that clothesline yet? lol Oh that reminds me I need get my sheets off the line. Love Ya Cuz :)
Love the brooder box, Mel! What a neat job so far. The peeps are looking great!! I think it's kinda sad when they grow up and stop the little peeping noises.
That's too funny about you feeling "outnumbered"... you have to go rent the movie "Chicken Run" if you haven't already seen it- it will crack you up!
I loved reading about your farm, horses, and chickens! I have always loved horses--had a couple when I was growing up, kept them on my Grandma's farm down in SW Missouri. Wish I could have one, we have the space but lack the time for care. So I am content with my Buckeroo and love to hear about yours and your love for them!
Looks like you like the Adirondacks?!! After being able to visit many beautiful places in the U.S., there's just something special about the Dacks and it continues to be an enchanted and favorite place for us to go!
So very nice to meet you and thank you so much for stopping by the cabin!
Blessings to You!
Claudia O.
What a warm feeling to see you all stopping by the farm blog. It is so rewarding to share our days with all the critters and our surroundings. Please stop often and try not to forget the cracked corn as our critters are very spoiled and are always looking for free handouts!
You are braver then I, I have a ton of geckos in my yard/house, not so sure I could handle the chickens....but then this city girl may not be able to survive longer then a week on a real idea of a chicken is in the oven :D
They are kind of cute though....
Hello ASW,
Welcome, to our little farm! Chickens are a riot, each one has their own personality; it's fun and funny at times watching them. Stop in again to check on what's happening here with the farm and animals.
They look great! It is a little unnerving, the way they just walk all over your feet, isn't it? I'm always afraid I'm going to step on one!
Hope things are going well with your work around the place.
Oh, I'm so envious of your chickens and farm! I'm hoping to have chickens in a year or two, I've just got a small year (like .75 acres).
Anyway, thanks for stopping by my blog. Good luck on your journey home :)
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