Friday, March 14

Safe easy and effective ways to clean stainless steel fridge and stoves.

I have that expensive cleaner you get from Sears when you purchase these fancy appliances, however, I was wondering if there was a better (green)way to clean my appliances. Fridays are usually my busiest day for really cleaning our home, as that frees me up for weekend fun.

This weekend is the Irish Festival in our little town, offering tastes of food, and of course a swig of beer. ( I like the food, not much for beer)I go to hear the bagpipes, don't ask me why, but, I'm so drawn to the sounds from bagpipes. I also like to watch the cloggers, it's amazing to watch some of them and how fast they can move. Looks like the weather is going to cooperate for this yearly event, which is a treat. We are enjoying some sun today with much warmer temps. than we've seen in months, oh... I'm so ready for spring planting.

I need to go finish housework, as it is so easy to get distracted with blogging, more fun also, (I think I have Blogosis) an addiction to blogging as I love to check outother peoples blogs. Have found so many with my same interests, what a pleasure, Thanks Vick! (my bestest cousin) I welcome all my new bloggy friends that leave me comments (luv 'em) ta ta for now.


Vickie said...

Hey Cuz, Have you tried mixing vinegar and water and using that instead of the cleaner. I don't have stainless steel but I can't see why it wouldn't work. Try it on a small area first.

Oh by the way if you want to know what happens in the book in order to appreciate it you need to read it! So go to the library and look for In Sheep's Clothing by Rett MacPherson. It's not a big book and you will have it read and know the story in no time.

I wish I was with you this weekend because I would be right there beside you listening to those bagpipes! Enjoy!

We have had a day of storms. I think they are finally over. It hasn't been a nice day to do anything. And yep I should be in there hanging those clothes but I heard the computer calling my name and found myself blogging. lol

Love Ya :)

Mel said...

Okay, I will be busy on blog after mass today. I have a recipe to share and excited to post it. Plus, I still have a bout 6 quarts of frozen strawberries in my freezer. Yummie!