Wednesday, May 4

Eighty~Two and Skies of Blue... Somewhere!

Tulips are loving the rain

Pasture has had enough already...

Was a beaver stream, now a river....

The rivers, well... they are roaring!

The rains keeps coming... I'll be dreaming of warm sunny days, as I fall asleep tonight.

<>< Blessings,


P.S This camera has a mind of it's own; when it comes to the date setting.
These photo's were all from today the 4th of May.


Linda ★ Parker's General said...

ouch! that's a lot of water! I'll be praying for some sunshine for you! ASAP!I think about the mud and just cringe.......
Please consider removing this word verification. Instructions are on my sidebar!

Paula said...

Bless your heart, Mel~ you sure have had the rain!
And yes, it's 82 somewhere, but not here... we had frost this morning! *JEEZ*

Eggs In My Pocket said...

Oh, send some of that rain this way, will you! Have a wonderful weekend. blessings,Kathleen

Mel said...

I feel quilty for being a Whiney Hiney... When actually, I sit here and think of those down south that are suffering so from tornado's.

You are all in our thoughts and prayers.