Monday, January 10

Touched By Sunday's Homily

How God can change things "overnight" If you ask.

Have any of you been watching the story about Ted Williams the homeless man in Ohio? He has been homeless for many years, and has been struggling everyday with drugs and loneliness.

He was discovered as having a gifted voice, and that voice seems to have set him free from his struggles. Ted & his mother have been on "Goodmorning America," & "The Today Show," his mother revealing how she'd been praying for her son all these years and will continue to pray that he "get with God, and do what's right."

Many times, as I sit on the pew listening to the homily, it is as if God himself is talking to me directly. Yesterday, was no exception...

You see, it's not me; myself, who battles with alcohol or drugs, it's my brother/s.

Sometimes, my eyes fill with tears, as I wonder, how is it that I am deserving of the life I live, and my siblings have to endure such hard times.

Growing up, in a family with four brothers, and a half sister (in my heart, she will always be "my sister") I seemed to be closest to my oldest brother and my brother that is 11 months my senior.

My oldest brother, I always looked up to him, I imagine, mostly, because when my parents separated, my oldest brother bounced between households. He moved all over from one state to another with my father. (My father was an alcoholic, which lead to my parents divorcing.) We didn't get to see my oldest brother a whole lot, so when he was with us, we treasured his presence. He loved music, to the point, I always thought that perhaps he would be the next Paul MC Cartney. However, he got lost in this big world, and slipped into the same habits as my father. Although, he is not homeless; really, he lives between my mother and my brother that is 11 months my senior. When they are together, their drinking eventually leads them to a disagreement of sorts, and my oldest brother bounces back to my mother.

I have tried to talk with him, but his problem is such that I cannot reach him.

I pray, that one day God will reach him, and that he will be able to give up his alcohol for a better way of life.

May God Bless all my family, friends and everyone in between,


Scrappy quilter said...

Mel, beautifully written. I can attest to the fact that with prayers God can change a person if they are open to it. I've seen it in myself and in our oldest daughter. Thanks for sharing your heart. Hugs

Paula said...

Such a beautifully written but sad story, Mel... I will join you in praying for your brothers....
Hugs to you today, dear friend.

Mel said...

Hi Scrappy, so wonderful to have you stop in.

Thanks for taking time to read my post today. God is "great" through him all things are possible.

Hugs right back to ya,

Mel said...

Hi Paula,
You could only imagine, the feelings that spilled out during mass yesterday. I was chocking back big alligator tears as the priest gave the homily.

I am so grateful for my faith, and would like nothing more than to share all this wealth with all my family & friends.

Thank you so much, you are a dear and very sweet friend.
