What to do now~
We have treated her for fleas, put mite meds in her ears, placed tick meds on the ticks, gave her food, water, showed her not all humans are evil, played fetch, showed her we have lots of love to go around.
Okay, I know, I said; "I had plenty of dirt to fill in holes", but, this does not mean I enjoy filling them 2 and 3 times each day. What we have here is a case of separation anxiety, she is fine when you are with her, it's when you come inside that she shows her disappointment and starts to dig her way to Puptavia.
She is a young dog, we're guessing about 7-10 months old, we have no background history on her, and basically, don't know what to do to ease her separation issues. We are feeling guilty for havin to keep her outdoors, as last night was rainy, windy and wet. She kept running from her bed on the front porch to a large room that connects the barn to house. I went out at 1:00am and closed her in figuring she has a dry place to sleep, but she was not comfy and whimpered, so I cracked the door open, changed the bulb to an energy saving bulb and returned inside. Shortly after, the outside motion light came on, she had ran out of the room and was once again sitting on her dampened bed, upon the front porch.
We feel good inside knowing we have provided her well, but, Iam not sure, I have the time to spend training a young (deserving) pup. Our farm already consists of 39 animals and pets, which is a lot of work when hubby goes on a business trip and I am responsible for the care of these little guys.
Anyone, out there looking for a companion; make a great pet, she has not bothered with the horses, chickens, or the bunnies. She will need someone with the time to train her, I believe, she is a smart, eager to please, (still a pup) very affectionate animal. I must admit~ I didn't know if it would be possible to win her over as we have, but, the pictures show it all...
Oh I am so glad she finally realized she could trust you...hopefully someone will come along an give her a loving home and continue to show her the kindness you have shown...have a great day friend!
Hi Mel... Thanks for the visit and kind comment... was nice to hear from you...
The puppy has a sweet look about him... You've done a good thing by caring so much for him... It breaks my heart to hear about abuse of any kind to any creature... the last addition to our pet population were from an abused home... our 3 lil fuzzie Ferret girls... You do NOT want to know about what they had to endure before we rescued them ~sighs~ ... it took one year to get one of the fuzzies to stop biting out of fear... Animal rescue is alot of work, as you well know... but the rewards make it all worthwhile! I've said a prayer and do hope with all my heart that you'll be able to re-home the puppy to a loving owner...
How sweet of you to save her. Blessings, Whitney
Hey Cuz, Oh what a sweet looking pup. And so innocent looking! Are you sure that someone...something else isn't digging those holes? lol Love Ya Cuz :)
Hi, just got a chance to come and catch up on the stray dog news. What a wonderful read and how great it has all turned out! Hurray for you for never giving up! You will be blessed for all of this hard work. blessings, Kathleen
Just stopped by for a quick peek at my blog. Thank you all so much for all your kindness. The pup is doing swell, she will be checked by our vet tomorrow, and finally get wormed and ear meds. For those of you, that have not read the book Marley & Me it is a "must read". My husband, actually calls this dog Marley, and it is so ironic, she really does act like the Marley dog from the book. I have to tell you all a short story. On Saturday, hubby went to the neighbors for a short visit. He took his shoes off outside the door. When he was don visiting he went fo his shoes, only to find one shoe was missing and so was "Marley". The neighbor lent a pair of shoes to hubby, so he could walk home, once at home there's Marley laying next to the missing shoe. Now how adorable is that?
Once again, I want to "thank you all" for your prayers, as well as your thoughtfullness...
Maybe if she spends a little more time with your other dog, she will calm down and learn NOT to dig... but I understand what you mean about taking on "another mouth to feed"!! Hope it all turns out well!!
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