Sunday, May 11

Happy Mothers Day

We had a beautiful day today, starting with mass and ending with family and a cookout. Chuck & I put together 3 blue bird boxes and hung them on the fence posts, so we can spy with our little eyes the birds that chose to nest in them. the blue birds (we are hoping to attract) are a brilliant powder blue color; maybe a little larger than sparrows they share our yard with many others like yellow finches, downey woodpeckers, blue jays, humming birds, red winged black birds etc.

On to other things; the hatchery called a few days ago and said; " the hatch is going better than anticipated and the peeps will be mailed out around the 12th of June." We will have 25 peeps to care for come June 13th, isn't that exciting? I love watching them develope their feathers, we have a good assortment so it should be interesting to see.

I'll try to check my blog in a few days and update you on any new events around our little hobby farm. Work and trying to pre- plant our veggies, residing the chicken coop, etc. has kept us quite busy for the past few weeks.

Hope all is well with all of you, I cannot wait to find some free time so I can do some blogging starting to have signs of blogging w i t h d r a w l symptoms... LOL


BittersweetPunkin said...

Happy Mother's Day to YOU! Sounds like you had a very lovely day!

Mel said...

Good Morning Bitter sweet,
Thanks for stopping by, it's good to hear from you. How was your mothers day? I love having my kids, and grandkids over, and praise God that we are close enough to do so.
Family & Friends fill your heart with joy, and your head with so many memories.

Paula said...

Yay! I can't wait to see the chicks!
I've missed you blogging, too.... hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!

Vickie said...

Hey, I hope you take some pictures of the birdhouses I would love to see them. It's been busy around here also and I can't wait for it to calm down a bit. Oh by the way just for future reference what colors are in your bedroom? Love Ya Cuz!

Linda ★ Parker's General said...

Glad your mother's day was so nice. The weather was cooperative here. My kids are scattered across the country but my son Sean lives 11 miles away and brought his family over. It is wonderful to reminisce with them and build new memories. I will be checking back on those peeps. Hopefully pictures will be included.