Wednesday, March 5

Would Anyone like Ice with that?

This is just one of God's ways to show us beauty. Everything here in NNY is covered in a layer of ice, it is so picturesque. It was an art just making my way to the chicken coop this morning, then once I finally slipped and slid my way there, I arrived to find the door completely sealed closed under a half inch of this beautiful stuff. ( I don't know where my brain was) as I should have figured that one out prior to stepping out the door. So, I made my way back into the barn and over to the tool shed to get the hammer, all the while in the background Mr.Roo (Rooster) is crowing, heis letting me know he heard me coming. Feeling bad that they are stuck in today, I came inside and grabbed some bread to give them an extra treat. My horse has stall fever, he is an escape artist at that, and knows how to unlock his chain which actually is suppose to lock his stall door. I figured I'd let him have run of the barn today and let him into the isleway. He has recently figured out how to unlatch our outside gates and lets all the horses out. It's to funny, when you're standing at the kitchen window, oh lets just say 5:30 in the evening. (Just dark enough) to where your eyes are not able to focus in on some things! And you see this big dog, no, wait a minute, that's not a dog, Honey~ the horses are out again and there goes Scout past the window in snow drifts up to his belly. Scout is the youngest of the three, his mother, we adopted in the spring of 1997 and she gave us Scout nearly three months later. Another blessing to me from the Lord as he knows my motto is a day without a horse is like a day without sunshine. so, needless to say, when the big "dogs" get out and I'm home, I just open a window and holler Bubba (nickname for Scout) come on and he races (with the others in tow) back to the gate and into his stall. I just couldn't imagine my life without all our animals and my family to share in the fun!


Anonymous said...

Hi, Thanks for adding me to your blog roll! I appreciate the link..


What a Crock!

Anonymous said...

Mel .. .to post the FFF icon on your blog you must save it to your pc. Right click on the image and save ....then look here on how to post it....

I suggest you post that recipe on your blog then come back to my blog and click on the MR. Linky icon - you can link your blog there and people will come visit.


Vickie said...

It's so beautiful to look at but I still remember what it's actually like and don't miss it at all. lol