Wednesday, June 30

"Curiousity".... Nearly Knocked Me Out

Okay, no pictures to go along with this event..........

Shenea, had two eggs still underneath her, the new chick is now 5 days old.

I'm thinking, what if there is a peep in the shell and due to the thickness of it, it cannot break out. I better investigate.............

NEVER, NEVER, break open a three week (plus) old chicken egg.............

Holy man, it broke alright, "more like it exploded", I stood over the trash can, "very gently" pecking at the shell ( not to harm a chick, if there was one in there) with a pair of grape pruners.

Don't laugh, they have a crooked tip much like a hens beek, okay...........

It only took two little itty bitty pokes and "Kaboom, it sounded like a firecracker", splitting open and spraying a really nasty, really~really nasty; smelling liquid all over my sweatshirt. I never knew, an egg could smell so bad......... It can, and it did!!!!

I had to move the trash can to an outdoors location, it stunk up the whole storage area.

So, .................. Let me say it again, Never open an egg that a hens has been sitting on for some 25 days.................


Vickie said...

Hey Cuz, First of all don't put... Don't laugh because as soon as read the next line I was laughing so hard I was crying. I could actually picture you doing this and was like watching TV in my mind. You and I have certainly had some critter events for week! Second of all... thanks for the tip now that you are concidered an expert on the topic. lol
Love Ya cuz :)

Debbi Michiko Florence said...

Thanks for the lesson! *shiver*
debbi (your sis-in-law)

Picket said...

Oh my word!!!! lol lol I would have never been that brave! lol But just look at that sweet little 'doodie'!!!!! Oh girl I could just cry...I love seeing baby chicks! One day day...I shall have my baby chicks! Loved this...hope the little thing just grows like a weed...take care girl and have a great week! ~Picket~

Linda ★ Parker's General said...

ROFL----I know it stinks but that is a hilarious way to check eggs!